The Lord Mayor’s Appeal 2014 is supporting four community-based charities that are all transforming lives. Fundraising is at the heart of the Appeal programme but there is also a strong commitment to mentor, help raise the profiles of these charities and open up new sources of funding for the future.
Each of these charities is performing above the level that their size might imply in terms of their outreach and impact. They have a real relevance to the “new normal”. With your support, the Lord Mayor’s Appeal aims to raise over £2 million to allow the charities to expand their programmes to transform even more lives.
Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer yet 90% of people will survive if diagnosed early. Beating Bowel Cancer supports people affected by bowel cancer and raises awareness of the disease and the importance of early diagnosis. The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will fund a City of London bowel cancer awareness programme and help pay for expert nurse support for people affected by bowel cancer across the UK.
The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will help Princess Alice Hospice deliver more specialized care to more people in their own homes. The Appeal will fund a new model of hospice care which builds on the care already provided by its community nurses but also includes more specialist medical, therapist and social worker input and support. Raleigh International harnesses the passion and energy of young people to create positive change in very poor communities around the world. The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will support disadvantaged young people from across the UK to join the programme with the help of financial bursaries.
Working Chance transforms the lives of women ex- offenders by finding them jobs with quality employers. This enables these women and their children to cross the social divide from exclusion to contribution. The Lord Mayor’s Appeal aims to triple the number of women trained and supported into work, and to increase the number of City employers with whom the charity can work.
The City as a Centre of Philanthropy |
Lord Mayors have promoted philanthropy and supported charities for hundreds of years. Using the platform of a modern, long-running registered charity, The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, my programme will not only raise funds for very relevant causes, but also promote giving, social investment and charity leadership. The platform means that in future, rather than the Lord Mayor beginning afresh each year, there is the opportunity to consolidate and build from one year to the next. This establishment of a registered charity has been achieved with thanks to the Pears Foundation and City Bridge Trust. |
I am delighted that my husband Nicholas will be leading all the multifaceted philanthropy elements of my programme, supported of course by many others. With a professional financial background he has an extraordinary track record over the last ten years in the charitable and health sectors leading four different charities. You can be confident we will maximise the value of your support. |
For more information on The Lord Mayor’s Appeal 2014, including sponsorship opportunities, ticket purchases and to make a donation visit:
T: +44(0)20 7332 3908